Friday, November 25, 2016

Bengali cholar dal


Chana dal-1.25 cups
Salt-to taste
Sugar-1 tsp
Ghee-1 tbsp
Star anise-1
Bay leaves-1
Cinnamon-1 inch piece
Cumin powder-1.5 tsp
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Soak chana dal for 2 hr.
2. Pressure cook with 3 cups of water and turneric for 5 whistles.
3. After the pressure is gone, open the lid and cook the dal until the extra water is evaporated and dal reaches your desired consistency. Keep in mind that dal thickets a little bit after it cools down.
4. Meanwhile heat ghee in a pan and add cloves, cardomom, cinnamon, bay leaves, star anise, hing and saute for few sec.
5. Turn off the stove and transfer the tadka to the boiling dal.
6. Add chilly powder and cumin powder. Mix well.
7. Adjust for spices and consistency.
8. Finally add cashews and corriander. Cook for couple minutes and turn off the stove.
9. Serve with jeera rice and raita. 

Banana greek yogurt muffins


Bananas-2 ripe
Greek yogurt-1 cup (used fage total yogurt)
Quick oats-2 cups
Brown sugar-1/4 cup
Baking soda-1/2 tsp
Baking powder-1.5 tsp
Semi sweet chocolate chips-1/2 cup
Oil-to spray cupcake muffin pan or cupcake liners


1. Pre-heat oven to 400F.
2. Spray muffin tin with oil or use muffin liners and spray them with oil. Keep it aside.
3. Blend oats into a fine powder. Mix in sugar, baking soda and baking powder.
4. In a different bowl, mash bananas. Add eggs and mix well.
5. Add yogurt to the above mix and mix well.
6. Now slowly add the dry mix and fold in. Dont over mix the batter. Stir in chocolate chips.
7. Fill 3/4th of the cupcake liner with the batter. Do not over fill or under fill.
8. Bake for 25 min. Once the fork comes clean, turn off the oven and leave them in the oven for another 10 minutes. Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool completely.
9. Dont urge yourself do open the oven door in between. The cupcakes will deflate. The cupcakes will be moist if you dont allow them to cool down completely.
10. Enjoy these healthy chocolate chip cupcakes!

Thick Cucumber raita


Cucumber-1 medium
Thick yogurt-1.5 cups
Salt-to taste
Cumin powder-1 tsp
Chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Chat masala-1/2 tsp
Black salt-1/4 tsp


1. Grate cucumber in a bowl.
2. Add yogurt and mix well.
3. Add all the spices listed, mix well. Taste and adjust spices accordingly.
4. Enjoy with biryani or just fall and jeera rice.

Simple jeera rice


Rice-1 cup
Jeera-1 tbsp
Ghee-1 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Water-2.25 cups
Corriander-to garnish


1. Wash rice and add 2.25 cups of water. Add salt. Mix well and keep it aside.
2. Heat ghee in a pan and add jeera. Allow them to splutter. Turn off the stove and transfer to the soaked rice. Add some corriander and mix well.
3. Let it soak for 30 min and allow it to cook in a rice cooker or pressure cooker for two whistles.
4. Serve with raita and dal or any of your favorite sabzi.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Maple Fage yogurt


Fage yogurt total-1/2 cup
Maple syrup-1 tsp
Fruit compote-1 tbsp
Granola-1/4 cup


1. Add yogurt to a bowl and stir in maple syrup.
2. Add your favorite fruit compote and serve with granola.

Tadka waala Chickpeas


Chickpeas-1 cup dry
Ginger-1 inch
Garlic-4 cloves
Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tsp
Green chillies-3
Dried red chillies-2
Curry leaves-15


1. Soak chickpeas in enough water for 6-8 hr or overnight.
2. Pressure cook with enough water and pinch of salt for 3 whistles. After the quake is gone, strain chickpeas and keep them aside.
3. Heat oil in a pan and add chopped ginger and garlic. Roast for 15 sec.
4. Add finely chopped green chillies, curry leaves, cumin seeds, mustard seeds and red chillies. Cook for a minute.
5. Add chickpeas and some more salt. Mix well.
6. Add corriander powder and mix well. Check for seasoning and turn off the stove.
7. Squeeze lime juice and serve warm. 

Dahi baingan


Medium sized eggplants-2
Yogurt-3 cups
Besan-2 tbsp
Ginger-1 inch
Oil-3 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Fennel seeds-1/2 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Chilly powder-2 tsp
Salt-to taste
Corriander-1/4 cup


1. Whisk yogurt and besan. Keep it aside.
2. Cut baingan into small pieces and keep them aside.
3. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin, mustard seeds along with hing and ginger. Cook for 30 sec.
4. Add eggplant pieces, sprinkle some salt abs mix well. Cover the lid and cook on a medium flame till soft. Keep checking in between and stir to prevent the eggplant from sticking.
5. Add turmeric, chilly powder, coriander powder, fennel seeds and mix well.
6. Add whisked yogurt mixture and mix well.
7. Add water to adjust for consistency.
8. Check for spices, cover the lid and cook for 10 min. Stir in between.
9. Add more water if the curry is too thick.
10. Turn off the stove and garnish with corriander. Serve with rice or roti.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Aloo cabbage


Cabbage-1/2 medium
Aloo-3 medium
Onion-1 big
Tomatoe-1 big
Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Salt-to taste
Amchur-1/2 tsp
Green chillies-3
Red chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Cumin powder-1.5 tsp
Corriander powder-1.5 tsp
Garam masala-1/2 tsp
Ginger garlic paste-2 tsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Boil water and add chopped cabbage. Turn if the stove and blanch for 10 min to kill any bacteria. Drain the water and keep it aside.
2. Finely chop onion and tomatoe. Keep them aside.
3. Cut potato info 1 inch pieces and keep it aside.
4. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin and mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
5. Add onion, shot green chillies, ginger garlic paste, turmeric and cook onion till translucent.
6. Add tomatoes and cook till mushy.
7. Add salt, chilly powder, cumin powder, corriander powder, amchur, garam masala and mix well.
8. Now add chopped potatoes, cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Add few tsp of water if the curry sticks to the pan.
9. Add blanched cabbage, cover the lid and continue to cook till cabbage and potato are soft and cooked. Keep checking and stirring in between.
10. Adjust for salt and other spices. Garnish with corriander and serve with rice or roti.

Tomato charu


Ripe tomatoes-3
Water-4 cups
Oil-1/2 tbsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Green chillies-2
Died red chillies-3
Garlic-3 cloves
Curry leaves-10
Salt-to taste
Pepper-1/2 tsp
Cilantro-1/2 cup
Rasam powder-2 tsp
Tamarind paste-1 tbsp (optional)
Jaggery-1 tbsp (optional)


1. Heat oil in a pan. Add chopped garlic and roast for few sec.
2. Add curry leaves, green chillies, red chillies, cumin seeds, mustard seeds and mix well.
3. Add turmeric and saute for few sec.
4. Now add finely chopped tomatoes and cook till slightly mushy (you can also blend tomatoes into a fine paste).
5. Add salt, pepper, rasam powder, tamarind paste and jaggery if using and mix well.
6. Add water and adjust for spices.
7. Add chopped cilantro and allow the mixture to come to a boil. Turn off the stove  and serve with rice and sabzi.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tofu black bean tacos


Extra firm Tofu-12 oz
Black bean-1/2 cup dry
Left over rice-1.5 cup
Spring onions-1 bunch (6 stalks)
Tomato-1 small
Garlic-3 cloves
Oil-2 tbsp
Cumin powder-1.5 tsp
Corriander powder-1.5 tsp
Salt-to taste
Red chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Paprika-1/2 tsp
Oregano-1 tsp
Soft tacos-10
Shredded mozzarella cheese-1 tbsp per taco.


1. Soak black beans overnight. Pressure cook with enough water and pinch of salt for three whistles.
2. If you don't have left over rice, cook rice and allow it to cool down. The rice shouldn't be mushy.
3. Press tofu between two plates to remove water. Cut into very small pieces.
4. Heat 1 tbsp of oil on a pan and add tofu pieces. Cook on a medium flame till it gets brown. Keep stirring in between. Keep it aside.
5. Cut garlic, jalapeno, tomato and spring onions into small pieces.
6. In a big pan, heat remaining 1 tbsp of oil and add garlic. Cook for 30 sec.
7. Add white part of spring onions, jalapeno and half of green onions and cook for a minute.
8. Add tomato and cook for a minute.
9. Add tofu and mix well. Mash a little if the pieces are too big.
10. Drain water from cooked black beans and add to the above mix.
11. Add salt, chilly powder, cumin powder, corriander powder, oregano and paprika. Mix well.
12. Add rice and mix well.
13. Adjust for seasoning and add lime juice and remaining green onions. Mix well. Turn off the stove.
14. To assemble tacos, heat taco in a pan and add tofu bean mixture and top it off with cheese, sour cream, lettuce and habanero sauce. You can also make crispy tacos and stuff them.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Nutella crepes


Bread flour/ All purpose flour-1 cup
Water-1 cup
Milk-1/2 cup
Butter melted-2 tbsp
Salt-1/4 tsp
Nutella as spread


1. Sieve flour in a big bowl. Add salt and combine.
2. In the same bowl, make some space in the center or side and add eggs. Whisk well.
3. Add water, melted butter and milk and whisk well.
4. Alternatively, you can add the ingredients and mix them in a blender.
5. The consistency of batter should be similar to heavy cream.
6. Heat a non stick pan and add 1/4 cup of batter. If the consistency is good, then the batter spreads itself evenly. This ensures the crepes will be thin. If you prefer thick crepes, you can make your batter thick.
7. The crepes cook really fast. Cook on one side till slightly brown. Flip them over and cook for another 30 sec or so.
8. Continue the process with the remaining batter. Store them in foil during the process to keep them moist.
9. Now spread nutella on each crepe and roll it up or fold into a triangle. You can eat just like that or serve with whip cream, or fruit compote. Enjoy.

Dahi puri


Boiled potato-1/2 cup (1 big)
Corriander chutney-4 tsp
Tamarind date chutney-4 tsp
Garlic chutney-1 tsp
Yogurt-3/4 cup
Salt-to taste
Sugar-3 tsp
Chilly powder-1/2 tsp + 1/4 tsp
Cumin powder-1/2 tsp + 1/4 tsp
Chat masala-1/2 tsp + 1/4 tsp
Black salt-1/4 tsp
Sev, pomagrenate seeds and corriander to garnish


1. Boil potato. Peel off, mash and add pinch of salt, 1/2 tsp of chilly powder, cumin powder and chat masala. Mix well and keep it aside.
2. In a bowl beat yogurt. If it is to too thick, add few table spoons of water. Add 3 tsp of sugar and pinch of salt. Mix well and keep it aside. Taste and add more sugar/ salt according to your taste.
3. Mix all three chutneys and keep it aside.
3. Now place puris on a plate and make a whole.
4. Add spoonful of potato mixture. Add tea-spoon full of mixed chutneys to the puris.
5. Add beaten yogurt.
6. Garnish with pomagrenate seeds, sev and corriander.
7. Sprinkle 1/4 tsp of chilly powder, cumin powder, black salt and chat masala over puris.
8. Add remaining dahi to the plate between puris.
9. Eat each individual dahi puri with the extra yogurt in the plate.
10. Enjoy crunchy, sweet and spicy, moist dahi puris. Serve them immediately else they will become soggy.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Beetroot chutney


Beetroot-1 large
Fresh or frozen grated coconut-1/2 cup
Salt-to taste
Green chillies-3
Oil-2 tsp
Chana dal-1 tbsp
Urad dal-1 tbsp
Curry leaves-5

For tadka:

Oil-2 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Chana dal-1 tbsp
Urad dal -1 tbsp
Curry leaves-10


1. Wash and peel beetroot skin. Grate and keep it aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan and add chana dal and urad dal. Roast till they start to change the color.
3. Add curry leaves, hing and green chillies. Roast for a minute.
4. Add grated beetroot, air and cook till soft.
5. Add grated coconut and mix well. Turn off the stove.
6. Transfer the above mix to a blender and grind with enough water to make into a smooth paste.
7. For tadka, use the listed ingredients and add to the blended chutney.
8. Serve with idlis or dosa.

Rava idli


Rava-1 cup
Ghee-2 tsp
Yogurt-1/2 cup
Ginger-1 in piece
Green chilly-1
Salt-to taste
Water-2-3 cups
Eno-1/2 tsp

For tadka:

Oil-2 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Chana dal-1 tbsp
Urad dal -1 tbsp
Curry leaves-10


1. Heat ghee in a pan and roast rava on a small flame till nice aroma comes out.
2. Transfer roasted rava info a bowl and add grated ginger, chopped chilly, salt, yogurt and water. Mix well and adjust water amount to get idli batter like consistency.
3. For tadka, heat oil in the same pan and add chana dal and urad dal. Roast till they start to change color. Add cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to splutter. Add cashews, curry leaves and roast for a minute.
4. Turn off the stove and transfer tadka to the idli mix.
5. Grease idli mould and heat water in idli cooker.
6. Finally add eno and mix slightly. Dont over mix.
7. Add idli batter to the grease moulds and cook for 15 min.
8. Remove the idlis and serve with your favorite chutney.

Note: If you are making idli for the first time, read instructions on my idli post.

Friday, November 11, 2016



Green moong dal-1 cup
Rice-2 tbsp
Ginger-1 inch
Green chillies-2
Salt-to taste
Water-to make batter


1. Wash and soak moong dal in enough water for 8 hr to overnight.
2. In a separate bowl, soak rice.
3. Next day rinse dal again and if you have time cover with lid and let it sprout for another 8 hr. Else, proceed to the next step.
4. Grind dal and rice with water, ginger, salt and chillies.
5. If the consistency is not right add water to make it thin or add rice flour to make it thick.
6. To make pesarattu, heat a non stick pan. Add 1 big spoonful of batter and make dosa. Add oil if you like.
7. Once it browns, flip out and cook till crispy.
8. You can add onions on the top while cooking.
9. Serve with upma or chutney or sambhar.



Sooji-1 cup
Tomatoes-2 small
Green chillies-4
Oil-1/2 tbsp
Ghee-1/2 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Ginger-1 inch
Salt-to taste
Water-4 cups
Cilantro-to garnish


1. Dry roast sooji in a pan on a very small flame till nice aroma comes out. Keep stirring frequently else sooji gets burnt. Keep it aside.
2. Heat oil and ghee in a pan and add cumin and mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
3. Add finely chopped ginger, slit green chillies and cashews. Saute for a minute.
4. Add finely chopped tomatoes and cook till mushy.
5. Add water and being it to a boil. Add salt and mix well.
6. Now add sooji spoon by spoon and stir continuously to avoid clumps.
7. Cook till it reaches desired consistency.
8. Adjust for salt and add more ghee if you like.
9. Garnish with corriander. Serve with pickle, yogurt and sugar. You can also spread this on a pesarattu.

Green bean casserole


Green beans chopped-4 cups
Mushrooms chopped-4 cups
Oil-1 tbsp
Parmesan cheese-2 tbsp
Cashews-1 cup
All purpose flour-1/2 cup
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Fried onions-3/4 cup
Water or broth-3 cups


1. Pre heat oven to 350F.
2. Soak cashews in water for couple of hours or microwave for 2 minutes and let them sit in water till you use them.
2. Wash and chop mushrooms, beans and onion. Keep them aside.
3. Heat oil in a big pan and add onions. Saute till translucent.
4. Add chopped beans, sprinkle some salt and cook till soft.
5. Wow the beans are cooking, add broth, soaked cashews and flour in a blender. Blend to a smooth paste. Do not use food processor. It will create a mess. Keep the mix aside.
6. Once the beans get soft, add chopped mushrooms and cook till water released from mushrooms is evaporated.
6. Now add the blended mix and mix well. Add parmesan cheese and mix well. Cook till the mixture gets thick. Add pepper and more salt if needed. Add half of the fried onions and cook for a minute.
7. Transfer this mixture to a baking pan or a casserole dish.
8. Sprinkle the test of fried onions on the top.
9. Bake for 30 min. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Aloo biryani


Potatoes-3 medium
Basmati Rice-2 cups
Green chillies-6 small
Cilantro-1/4 cup
Mint-1/4 cup
Bread croutons-15
Salt-to taste
Turmeric-1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Bay leaves-2
Cinnamon-1 in piece
Yogurt-3 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Oil-2 tbsp
Lemon-1 big


1. Wash rice and soak in enough water for 30 min.
2. Peel potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Keep them aside.
3. Slit green chillies lengthwise and keep them aside.
4. Heat oil in a pressure cooker and add mustard seeds, cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.
5. Add cloves, cardomom, bay leaves and cinnamon. Saute for few sec.
6. Add ginger garlic paste, green chillies, cashews and mix well.
7. Now add chopped potatoes and roast for a minute.
8. Add turmeric, corriander and mint leaves. Mix well.
9. Add curd, salt and mix well.
10. Drain rice and add to the pressure cooker. Roast for a minute.
11. Add 3 cups of water. Mix well and adjust for salt.
12. Pressure cook for two whistles.
13. Once the pressure is gone, add lime juice and bread croutons. Mix well and let it sit for 15 minutes till bread gets soft. Serve with raita.

Note: If you don't have bread croutons, toast bread with ghee and add it to rice. You can skip this step too.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Gobi peas masala


Gobi-1 medium head
Onion-1 large
Tomatoes-2 medium
Oil-2 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Ginger garlic paste-1.5 tsp
Red chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Cumin powder-1.5 tsp
Garam masala-1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Peas-1/4 cup
Cream-2 tbsp
Thick yogurt-5 tbsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Take a big pan amd boil water in it. Wash and slice gobi into small florets. Boil the florets for 5 min and turn off the stove. Cover with a lid for 15 min. Drain water and keep gobi pieces aside. This process is called as blanching.
2. Finely chop onion and tomatoes. Keep them aside. Also beat yogurt and keep it aside.
3. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan and add onions. Add ginger garlic paste and cook till translucent.
4. Add tomatoes and cook till mushy.
5. Add salt, turmeric, chilly powder, cumin powder, corriander powder and mix well.
6. Add cashews and cook for a minute.
7. Turn off the stove and blend the mix along with 1/2 cup of water into a smooth paste.
8. In the same pan, add remaining 1 tbsp oil and add cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.
9. Transfer the blended paste and add 1 cup of water. Mix well and add beaten yogurt before the mix gets hot. Otherwise, yogurt may curdle.
10. Add peas and cook till soft.
11. Add gobi pieces and cook till soft and crunchy.
12. Adjust for spices and consistency. Add cream. Mix well and turn off the stove.
13. Garnish with corriander and serve with rotis, parathas or jeera rice.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Chickpea feta crispy tacos


Feta-2 tbsp
Thick Yogurt-2 tbsp
Chat masala-1/2 tsp
Sumac-1 tsp
Salt and pepper-to taste
Chilly flakes-1/2 tsp
Cooked black chick peas-1/4 cup
Corriander-to garnish
Soft taco-1


1. Mix all ingredients listed in a bowl. You can add line juice if you don't have sumac.
2. Per heat oven to 375F.
3. Wrap a soft taco in a wet tissue paper and microwave for 20 sec.
4. Spray oil on both sides and carefully drape the taco over two bars of the oven rack.
5. Cook for 6 min and turn off the oven. Let it sit inside for a minute.
6. Remove it from the oven and let it cool completely.
7. Now fill in with the stuffing you made.
8. Garnish with corriander and enjoy the delicious and healthy baked tacos.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Four ingredient no churn Vanilla ice cream


Condensed milk-14 oz can
Heavy cream-2 cups
Pure vanilla extract-2 tsp
Salt-1/4 tsp


1. Add cold heavy cream, vanilla and salt to a large pan (should fit atleast 10 cups).
2. Using an electric mixer, whip the cream till soft peaks.
3. Fold in condensed milk and make sure everything is combined well.
4. Place a saran wrap touching the surface of the mix. This prevents the formation of ice crystals.
5. Freeze atleast for 4-6 hr or better overnight.
6. Enjoy the delicious vanilla icecream. You will never buy icecream again :-D

Phool makhana in creamy sauce


Phool makhana-2 cups
Onion-1 large
Tomatoes-2 medium
Oil-2 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Ginger garlic paste-1.5 tsp
Red chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Cumin powder-1.5 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Peas-1/4 cup
Cream-1/4 cup + 2 tbsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Roast makhana on a small flame till they become crispy. Dont let them burn. Keep them aside.
2. Finely chop onion and tomatoes. Keep them aside.
3. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan and add onions. Add ginger garlic paste and cook till translucent.
4. Add tomatoes and cook till mushy.
5. Add salt, chilly powder, cumin powder, corriander powder and mix well.
6. Add cashews and cook for a minute.
7. Turn off the stove and blend the mix along with 1/2 cup of water into a smooth paste.
8. In the same pan, add remaining 1 tbsp oil and add cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.
9. Transfer the blended paste and add 1 cup of water.
10. Add peas and cook till soft.
11. Finally add phool makhana and cream.
12. Adjust for spices and consistency. Turn of the stove.
13. Garnish with corriander and serve with rotis, parathas or jeera rice.

Potato egg salad


Cream-1/4 cup
Potatoes-3 medium
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Yogurt-1 tbsp
Lemon-1/2 small
Cilantro-to garnish
Pickle-3 big
Onion-1/2 small
Amchur-1 tsp


1. Boil potatoes to soft. I usually cut them into half and pattie cook with enough water for 6 whistles. After the pressure is gone, pave then in cold water for couple of minutes. The peel comes off so quickly. Peel them and keep them aside.
2. Boil eggs, peel them and keep them aside.
3. In a big bowl, mash potatoes and eggs using a masher.
4. Add cream, salt, pepper, chilly powder, amchur, yogurt and lime juice. Mix well. Add note cream if you lie the salad more creamy.
5. Add finely chopped onions and pickles. Add more of it according to your taste.
6. Finally check for seasoning and garnish with cilantro.
7. Serve it as it is our with butter toasted bread. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Capsicum besan


Capsicum-2 medium
Onion-1 large
Green chillies-3
Ginger garlic paste-1 tsp
Oil-2 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Salt-to taste
Amchur-1 tsp
Besan-1/4 cup
Cilantro-to garnish


1. Roast besan and keep it aside.
2. Heat oil on a pan and add cumin, mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
3. Add finely chopped green chillies and con for 30 sec.
4. Add finely chopped onions and cook till translucent.
5. Add finery garlic paste and turneric. Cook till the raw smell goes away.
6. Add finely chopped capsicum and cook till soft.
7. Slowly add besan and mix well. Cook on a small flame for couple of minutes.
8. Adjust for spices and garnish with corriander.
9. Serve with rotis or rice.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016



Spinach-2 bunch
Mushrooms-16 oz
Red bell pepper-2
Garlic-8 cloves
Dried Oregano-2 tbsp
Dried Parsley-2 tbsp
Salsa-4 cups
Ricotta-2 cups
Parmesan-1 cup
Mozzarella-2 cups
Oven ready lasagna noodles-12
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste


1. If you are not using oven ready noodles, boil them and keep them ready.
2. Pre heat oven to 350F.
3. Heat oil on a pan and add chopped garlic. Cook till the raw smell goes away.
4. Add finely chopped onions and cook till soft.
5. Add spinach and cook for couple of minutes.
6. Add chopped red pepper and mushrooms. Cook till the water released is evaporated.
7. Add salt, pepper, oregano, parsley and mix well.
8. Add 2 cups of salsa (you can use pasta sauce here) and cook well.
9. Adjust for spices and turn off the stove.
10. In a bowl whip ricotta and eggs. Stir in mozzarella and parmesan cheese. Keep it aside.
11. To assemble, take a large 8×14 inch dish and spray with oil.
12. Spread a layer of veggie mix. Place lasagna noodles. Spread some sauce and then cheese. Add veggies again and repeat the process for 3 times.
13. For oven ready noodles, make sure you spread the sauce on entire noodle. If you leave some space then that part won't cook properly.
14. Cover the pan with a foil and bake for 25 min. Remove the foil and bake for another 15 min. Turn off the oven and let it stand for another 15 min before serving.

Ragi dosa


Servings:6-8 dosas

Ragi flour-1/2 cup or Ragi flour and sooji-1/4 cup each
Wheat flour-1/4 cup or Wheat flour and rice flour-1/8 cup each
Onion-1 small
Curd-1 cup
Water-as needed
Chopped Curry leaves-4
Chopped Green chillies-2
Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp
Salt-to taste


1. Combine all ingredients listed above except for onions in a big bowl.
2. The consistency of the mix should be watery.
3. Heat a non stick pan and add big spoonful of batter. You will know that the consistency of the batter is right when you see the formation of wholes as soon as you pour the batter. If this doesn't happen, add more water.
4. Add onions on the top of dosa and cook till brown.
5. Turn over and cook for another minute till brown.
6. Fold over the dosa and serve with chutney/pickle/sambhar etc.

Note: Ragi dosa cooks slower when compared to urad dal dosa.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chocolate chip ricotta pancakes


Ricotta cheese-1 cup
All purpose flour-1 cup
Baking powder-1/2 tsp
Salt-1/4 tsp
Sugar-1.5 tbsp
Chocolate chips-3 tbsp
Vanilla extract-1/2 tsp
Milk-3/4 cup
Oil spray for cooking


1. Separate egg yolks from whites and add them to a big bowl.
2. Add ricotta cheese, milk, vanilla extract to yolks and whisk properly.
3. In a separate bowl, add flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Whisk well.
4. Transfer dry ingredients to wet ingedients and combine properly.
5. In a separate bowl, whisk egg whites with electric mixer till soft peak.
6. Fold in egg whites and chocolate chips just enough. Dont over mix.
7. Heat a pan and add spoonful of batter. Shake the pan gently and allow the batter to spread evenly. Cook on a very small flame.
8. Once the bubbles appear on the top, flip it over and cook for 30 sec-1 min till slightly brown. The pancakes will get burnt if you cook them on a high flame.
9. Transfer to a pan and serve with fruit compote, maple syrup and butter. Enjoy the delicious fluffy ricotta pancakes.

Mixed fruit compote


Frozen Mixed fruit-2 cups
Sugar-1 tbsp


1. Heat a pan and add frozen fruit. You can use your favourite fruit. In my case, I had tropical mixed fruit consisting of peaches, mango, pineapple, grapes, strawberries.
2. You can totally adjust the sugar according to your choice. I added 2 tsp sugar.
3. Cook with lid coveted till the fruit is soft. Mix occasionally and add some water if the fruit sticks to the pan.
4. Serve with pancakes, yogurt, smoothies etc.

Egg burji


Onions-2 big
Tomatoes-3 medium
Oil-1.5 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Turmeric-1/4 tsp
Salt-to taste
Amchur-1 tsp
Pav bhaji masala-1 tbsp
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Green chillies-3
Corriander-to garnish


1. Finely chop onions and tomatoes. Keep them aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan and add mustard, cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.
3. Add finely chopped onions, ginger garlic paste, green chillies and mix well.
4. Cook onions till translucent.
5. Add finely chopped tomatoes, turmeric, salt, chilly powder, pav bhaji masala, amchur and mix well. Cook till the oil is released.
6. Whisk eggs in a separate bowl and add them to the onion tomato mixture.
7. Keep mixing continuously until the egg is cooked. Adjust for spices and garnish with corriander. Serve with rice, roti or toast.

Beetroot apple ricotta salad


Beetroot-1 small
Apple-1 small
Ricotta-1/4 cup
Salt and Pepper-to taste
Honey-2 tsp
Balsamic vinegar-1/2 tsp
Orange/lemon juice-1/2 tsp


1. Pre-heat oven to 450F. Wrap beetroot in an aluminum foil and twist the ends. Bake for 45 min. If you have time, turn off the oven and leave the beetroot for an hour or so. If not, carefully remove the foil and cool the beetroot by speaking in water for few minutes.
2. Peel the skin, make round slices and keep it aside.
3. Slice apple into thin long pieces.
4. Heat a pan and roast pecans for a minute. Add 1 tsp honey, pinch of pepper and mix well. Roast for one more minute and allow it to cool down.
5. In a small bowl whip ricotta with remaining 1 tsp honey, salt and pepper.
6. To assemble, place bet slices on a plate. Put apple slices on beets. Add ricotta cheese between apple slices. Garnish with whole pecans and drizzle with crumbled Pecans along with balsamic vinegar and orange/line juice.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Tomato chutney


Tomatoes-4 large
Oil-1 tbsp
Urad dal-1 tbsp
Dried red chillies-2
Pepper corn-4
Water-1/4 cup
Salt-to taste

For tadka:

Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Curry leaves-1 spring


1. Heat oil on a pan and add urad dal. Cook for 30 sec.
2. Add cloves, red chillies, pepper corn and gong. Mix well.
3. Add chopped tomatoes and salt. Cook with the lid covered till mushy. Keep checking in between and add some water if needed.
4. Once the tomatoes after cooked, turn off the stove and allow it to cool down.
5. Grind to a smooth paste. Add water if needed.
6. For tadka, heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds and mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter. Add curry leaves and saute for 10 sec.
7. Transfer the chutney and cook for a minute.
8. Turn off the stove and enjoy the chutney with idli, dosa etc.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kidney bean pesto and ricotta wrap



Favorite tortilla-4

For kidney bean mix:

Dry kidney beans-1 cup
Red chilly sauce-2 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Green onions-1/2 bunch

For Ricotta spread: 

Ricotta-4 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Pesto-4 tbsp


1. Soak kidney beans overnight. Next day pressure cook with enough water and pinch of salt for 6-8 whistles. Cook on medium flame for the first two whistles and switch to small flame. Cook till soft.
2. Heat oil on a pan and add finely chopped onion and capsicum. Add salt and paper. Cook till soft.
3. Add drained kidney beans to the onion and pepper mix. Smash some beans.
4. Add chilly sauce and cook till the water evaporates. Turn of the stove and mix in lemon juice and copied green onions.
5. To make ricotta pesto spread, add all ingredients listed and mix well.
6. To assemble, heat a pan and cook tortilla till it gets brown on both sides.
7. Apply ricotta spread on one side of tortilla. Add kidney bean mixture, make a wrap and enjoy!!

PBSJ (Peanutbutter Banana Strawberry Jam) smoothie


1 tbsp jam
2 ice cubes
1.5 cup milk
2 ripe bananas
4 frozen strawberries
2 tbsp unsweetened peanut butter


Add all ingredients to the blender. Blend it and enjoy!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Shahi paneer


Paneer-200 g
Onion-3 medium
Tomatoes-2 medium
Oil-2 tbsp
Bay leaves-1
Cinnamon-1 in piece
Chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Food color-pinch
Curd-1/3 cup
Salt-to taste
Whole milk-1/3 cup
Garam masala-1/2 tsp
Sugar-1 tsp
Saffron-3 stands
Kasoori methi-1 tsp


1. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add peeled off whole onions. Let out boil for 5-7 minutes until they are soft. Drain water and add cold water. This process is caked as blanching. Puree blanched onions and keep it aside.
2. Cut paneer into 1 inch pieces and keep them aside. Dissolve saffron in water.
3. Powder cashews and keep it aside.
4. Heat oil in a pan and add cloves, cardomom, cinnamon and bay leaves. Cook for 30 sec. Add blanched onion paste and cook till the water evaporates.
5. Meanwhile make tomato puree in the same blender.
6. To the pan, add ginger garlic paste, corriander powder, red chilly powder, turmeric and cashew powder. Mix well and cook for a minute.
7. Now add pureed tomato, salt and cook till the oil releases.
8. Add beaten curd, sugar and 1/3 cup of water. Mix well. Cook for couple of minutes.
9. Turn off the stove, allow it to cooland remove whole garam masala. 
10. Transfer into the blender and make a smooth paste.
11. Add the puree back to the pan. Add some water to the blender and give a quick spin. Transfer to the pan.
12. Now add paneer slices. Cover the lid and cook till soft. Add milk, garam masala, saffron water and mix well.
13. Adjust for salt and spices and consistency by adding more water or milk or cream.
14. Add kasoori methi, mix well and turn off the stove.
15. Serve with naan or roti or jeera rice.

Note: The recipe has been adapted from foodviva and in my opinion this recipe is closest to restaurant style shahi paneer.

Update Nov 2023: tried this version from vegrecipes of india
Didnt add melon seeds and this recipe doesnt have tomatoes. Loved the taste. Used pepper and red chilly powder for spice. Added some butter and milk instead of cream in the end.

Corn meal upma


Corn meal-1 cup
Water-3 cups
Onion-1/2 big
Curry leaves-10
Oil-1 tbsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Ginger-1 inch
Green chillies-3
Salt-to taste


1. Heat oil on a pan and add mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
2. Add ginger and cook till raw smell goes away.
3. Add curry leaves, cashews and roast for 30 sec.
4. Add green chillies and cook for few sec.
5. Now add onion and cook till translucent.
6. Add chopped tomato and cook till soft.
7. Add water and allow it to come to a boil.
8. Finally add corn meal and let it cook.
9. Check for salt and turn off the stove.
10. Turn off the stove, garnish with corriander and serve with pickle.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Arbi in yogurt sauce


Arbi-5 medium
Yogurt-3.5 cups
Besan-3.5 tbsp
Turmeric-1/4 tsp
Onion-1 medium
Green chillies-3
Jeera-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Curry leaves-10
Dried red chillies-3
Salt-to taste
Fennel seeds-1 tsp
Oil-1.5 tbsp
Water-4 cups


1. Wash arbi and divide into half. Pressure cook for 4-5 whistles until cooked. Peel off the skin and cut into 1 in pieces.
2. In a bowl whisk yogurt and besan till there are no clumps.
3. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin, mustard seeds and saunf. Allow them to splutter.
4. Add curry leaves, green chillies, red chillies, going and turmeric. Cook for 30 sec.
5. Add onion and cook till translucent.
6. Add whisked yogurt and mix well. Add water and allow the mixture to come to a boil.
7. Add arbi pieces and cook for 5-10 minutes.
8. Adjust for salt and spices. Garnish with corriander and serve with roti or rice.

Pesto braided bread


Water-1 cup
Sugar-1 tsp
Oil-1 tbsp
Salt-1 tsp
Instant Yeast-2 tsp
Bread flour-2.5 cups
Pesto-3-4 tbsp


Yeast preparation:

1. Heat water and make sure the temperature is close to your body temperature. It should not be too hot or too cold.
2. Add yeast, sugar to a bowl and then add water. Let it sit at room temperature for 15 minutes or until the mixture becomes frothy. Sugar makes the mix more frothy. If the mix doesn't become frothy, it means that the yeast is gone bad. Do not use the yeast in that case. Meanwhile work on the other ingredients.

Dough preparation:

1. Mix flour and salt and transfer to food processor. Using dough blade, add water slowly and mix everything. Let the dough rest for 5-7 min. Then mix again for 2 min. (If you do not have food processor use hand to knead and follow the same process. Knead, rest and knead).
2. Transfer the dough onto a floured surface and knead into a smooth ball.
3. Place the dough in a deep oiled bowl for the first rise. Make sure there is enough space for the dough when it gets doubled.
4. Coat the dough with oil properly and cover the bowl with damp cloth or a plastic wrap.
5. Let the dough rest for 1 hr (I use oven for the rise because oven is always warm). The dough should atleast double its original size.
6. Transfer the dough back to floured surface (pizza stone or parchment paper on a countertop). Knead again and roll into a rectangle. Gently roll the dough with a rolling pin into 18×12 inch rectangle.
7. Spread pesto evenly on the surface. Leave half inch space on the border.
8. Roll along the longer edge and pinch the ends.
9. Slice lengthwise slowly into two halves.
10. Braid and form a circle. Make sure the pleated end faces outside when braiding. Close the circle by pinching both ends together. If the dough is on a parchment paper, transfer it to the baking pan along with parchment paper.
11. Let it rise for 30 min.
12. Heat the oven to 425F. If you are using oven for the second rise, transfer it to the counter top while the oven gets heated.
13. Bake for 25-35 min till crispy and brown. Turn off the oven and leave it inside for another 15 min.
14. Let it cool down and serve with sumac and chilly infused olive oil.

Basil pesto


Basil-2-3 cups packed
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Garlic-1 clove
Grated parmesan-3/4 cup
Pecans-3 tbsp
Olive oil-1/3rd cup


Note: Food processor is a must to make pesto. Dont make it in a blender.

1. In a food processor, blend basil leaves, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper and pecan till smooth.
2. Continuously add olive oil while the processor is running. Mix in between to make sure the mix it's not stick on walls of the bowl.
3. Add parmesan and mix well.
4. Add more oil if necessary to reach desired consistency.
5. Adjust for salt, pepper and lemon.
6. Transfer into an airtight bowling and store in refrigerator for upto 2 weeks.
7. Use as a spread or add to potatoes or use as stuffing for bread etc. Enjoy the delicious pesto!!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Sweet beetroot lassi


Beetroot-1 small
Milk-1/4 cup
Yogurt-1/4 2


1. Pre heat oven to 450F.
2. Peel beetroot and each properly. Dry it and wrap it in a foil. Close the foil by twisting.
3. Bake for 40 min. Turn off they oven and let it sit inside for an hour.  You can also leave in there overnight of you like.
4. Alternatively, just boil it and use it.
5. Cut the neurotransmitters into small pieces.
6. Blend with yogurt, milk, cashews and dates. Use date syrup if you can to distribute the sweetness evenly.
7. Serve with ice cubes and enjoy!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Crispy parmesan roasted potatoes


Potatoes- 1 inch cubes with peel
Oil-1.5 tsp
Salt-1/4 tsp
Chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Chat masala-1/2 tsp
Cumin powder-1/2 tsp
Garlic powder-1/2 tsp
Pepper-1/4 tsp
Parmesan-1 tbsp


1. Pre-heat the oven to 400 F. Wash potatoes properly and cut into cubes.
2. Place then on a butter paper and add oil. Mix well.
3. Now sprinkle all the spices and mix well.
4. Bake for 30-40 minutes or till the potatoes are cooked and crispy.
5. Transfer then into a container. Sprinkle parmesan cheese, mix well and serve them with pancakes, waffles, eggs or just enjoy as it is.

Cabbage chutney


Shredded cabbage-3 cups
Dried red chillies-2 small
Urad dal-1 tbsp
Oil-2 tbsp
Tamarind-2 inch piece
Salt-to taste
Cilantro-1/4 cup
Water-1-2 cups

For tadka:

Ghee-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp
Urad dal-1 tsp
Chana dal-1 tsp
Curry leaves-10


1. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan and roast urad dal and dried chilly. Remove from the flame once urad dal turns red and crispy. Transfer to a blender. Grind till coarse.
2. In a same pan, heat remaining 1 tbsp oil and add shredded cabbage.
3. Add salt and half cook the cabbage.
4. Now add tomato and cook till soft. Let it cool a bit.
5. Transfer the veggies into the blender. Add 1 cup water or more and blend everything to a desired consistency.
6. Adjust for salt and transfer the mix to a container.
7. For tadka, heat ghee in a tadka pan. Add chana dal and cook till the color stays to change. Add urad dal and cook for 30 sec. Add jeera and mustard and allow them to splutter. Finally add curry leaves and turn off the stove.
8. Transfer the tadka mix to the chutney and mix well.
9. Serve with rice, dosa, idli, guntaponganalu etc.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Oats guntaponganalu

Chana dal-1 tbsp
Toor dal-1 tbsp
Moong dal-1 tbsp
Urad dal-2 tbsp
Quick Oats-1 cup
Salt-to taste
Green chillies-3
Ginger-1 inch
Jeera-1 tsp
Coriander-2 tbsp
Onion-1/2 small
Water-1-2 cups
Eno-1/2 tsp
Oil-to make guntaponganalu


1. Soak for dals in enough water for 4-8 hr.
2. Strain the water and grind dals along with jeera, salt, green chillies and ginger. Add just enough water to grind.
3. Add oats with enough water and grind into a smooth batter with utappam batter like consistency. Check for salt, add echo and mix
4. Heat non stick guntaponganalu stand and apply a drop of oil.
5. Pour spoonful of batter and cook on avery small flame with lid coveted till the bottom side is brown. Turn and cook till the other side is brown.
6. Serve with any type of chutney.

Parmesan corn


Boiled corn cobs-4
Parmesan cheese shredded-1/4 cup
Chilly powder-1 tsp
Black Salt-1/2 tsp
Cilantro-1 tsp chopped


1. In a bowl, mix cheese, lemon juice, chili powder, black salt and cilantro.
2.  Add more lemon juice if needed.
3. Apply the mixture to the corn cob and enjoy!!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Chinese eggplant biryani


Chinese eggplant-2 medium
Basmati rice-2 cups
Oil-2 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Bay leaves-2
Cinnamon-1/2 inch piece
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Green chillies-3
Cilantro-1/4 cup
Fried onions-1/2 cup
Salt-to taste
Bombay biryani masala-1 tbsp
Water-3 cups
Yogurt-1/2 cup


1. Wash rice and soak for 30 min.
2. Wash eggplant, cut them into 1 inch pieces and soak in water for 10 min to remove any bitterness.
3. Heat oil in a pressure cooker. Add cumin, mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
4. Add cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves and cardomom. Cook for few sec.
5. Add ginger garlic paste and cook till the raw smell goes away.
6. Now add cashews and green chillies and cook for 30 sec.
7. Add eggplant and cook till soft.
8. Add fried onions, salt, yogurt, cilantro and bombay biryani masala and cook for a minute.
9. Transfer soaked rice and saute for a minute.
10. Add 2.5 cups of water, adjust for salt and pressure cook for 2 whistles.
11. Wait for the pressure to be gone and serve warm with raita.

Note: You can replace fried onions with regular onions. Add them before eggplant  and saute till golden brown.

Aloo cheese panini


Flat bread-1
Fresh mozzarella cheese-4 two inch slices
Corriander chutney-1.5 tbsp
Aloo masala (recipe in my blog)-2 tbsp or more as you like


1. Cut flat bread in half and spread corriander chutney on one side of both halves.
2. On one half, spread potato masala and place mozzarella cheese (you can also you shredded mozzarella if you have that handy).
3. Toast either in a pre-heated panini maker or on stove until crispy.
4. Serve with more chutney if you like or straight from the panini maker. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Chilly paneer


Paneer-200 g
Oil-2 tbsp + 1 tbsp
Corn flour-2 tsp + 1.5 tbsp
Water-5 cups
Capsicum-1 small
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Soy sauce-1 tbsp
Vinegar-1 tbsp
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Spring onions-3
Garlic-3 cloves
Sugar-2 tsp


1. Cut paneer into 1 inch pieces. Sprinkle with 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper, 1.5 tsp corn flour, 1 tsp water and mix well.
2. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan and add paneer pieces. Shallow fry them till both sides get brown. You can also deep fry paneer at this step. Keep them aside.
3. In the same pan, heat 1 tbsp oil, cook white part of spring onion and garlic till translucent.
4. Add capsicum and cook till soft and crispy.
5. Add salt, pepper, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, chilly sauce and mix well.
6. In a separate bowl, add 1/2 cup of water and 2 tbsp corn flour. Mix and make sure there are no lumps.
7. Transfer corn flour mix to the pan and add 4-5 cups of water.
8. Cook till it comes to boil. If the sauce is not thick, add more corn flour water. If the sauce is thick add more water. Remember that sauce thickens as it cools down.
9. Adjust for spices and sauces.
10. Add paneer pieces and cook for couple more minutes.
11. Turn off the stove and garnish with green spring onions. Serve with fried rice or noodles. Enjoy!

Cabbage fried brown rice


Brown rice-2 cups
Oil-1.5 tbsp
Garlic-3 cloves
Capsicum-1/2 small
Baby carrots-10
Shredded Cabbage-1.5 cups
Beans-1/4 cup
Spring onions-3
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Soy sauce-1 tbsp
Vinegar-1 tbsp


1. Cook brown rice with 6 cups of water. After trying different methods of cooking brown rice, I figured the best way to cook brown rice is in electric rice cooker. If you ate using pressure cooker or stove top, I suggest soaking rice for atleast 30 min.
2. To prevent stickiness, et the rice cool down before making fried rice. Alternatively you can use left over rice.
3. Heat oil in a pan and cook white part of spring onions and garlic till translucent.
4. Now add finely shredded cabbage, finely chopped carrots, capsicum and beans.
5. Sprinkle salt and pepper. Cook till the veggies are soft but crispy.
6. Add soy sauce, vinegar and mix well.
7. Add brown rice and mix well.
8. Adjust for salt, pepper, soy sauce and vinegar.
9. Garnish with spring onions and serve with chilly paneer.

Note: If you are not serving this dish with chilly paneer or any other gravy, add chilly sauce to make it little spicy.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Chocolate chip banana bread


Very ripe bananas-3
Sugar-1 cup
Butter-1 stick or 8 tbsp
All purpose flour-1.5 cups
Vanilla essence-2 tsp
Salt-1/2 tsp
Baking soda-1 tsp
Sour yogurt or sour cream or butter milk-1/2  cup+2 tbsp
Chocolate chips-2 tbsp


1. Pre-heat oven to 350F.
2. Grease 9 inch bread loaf pan and keep it aside.
3. Mash bananas in a bowl, melt butter and keep them aside.
4. Transfer melted butter to a big bowl and add sugar. Mix well.
5. Add eggs one by one and mix well.
6. Now add vanilla essence, salt and baking soda. Mix well.
7. Add flour slowly while stirrring continuously.
8. Now just fold in mashed bananas, chocolate chips and sour yogurt. Do not over mix.
9. Transfer into pre greased pan and bake for 60 min.
10. Insert a tooth pick in the centre and turn off the oven when it comes clean.
11. Let it sit inside oven for 15 min.
12. Cool it over a wire rack and slice them.
13. Enjoy delicious and super moist banana bread!!

Note: You can use milk+vinegar as a substitute for sour buttermilk. For 1 cup buttermilk, add 1 tbsp of vinegar and top it off to 1 cup with milk. I have been using this lately and it works really well.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bhindi peanut fry


Bhindi-30 nos
Onion-2 medium
Tomatoes-2 big
Peanuts-1/2 cup
Oil-to fry + 1.5 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Red chilly powder-2-3 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Cumin powder-1 tbsp
Garam masala-1 tsp
Amchur-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Red chilly sauce-1 tbsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Wash bhindi, dry them and chop into 1/2 inch circles.
2. Heat oil and deep fry bhindi. Place them on blotting paper to get rid of excess oil.
3. In the same oil, fry peanuts and keep them aside along with bhindi.
4. Heat 1.5 tbsp of oil in a pan and add mustard and cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.
5. Add finely chopped onion and cook till translucent.
6. Add finely chopped tomato and cook till oil comes out.
7. Add salt, turmeric, chilly powder, cumin powder, corriander powder, garam masala and amchur. Cook for a minute.
8. Add red chilly sauce and mix well.
9. Now add fried bhindi and peanuts. Mix well.
10. Adjust for salt and spices, add 1/2 cup of water if needed and garnish with corriander.
11. Serve hot with rice or roti.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Curd rice


Rice-2 cups
Water-7 cups
Yogurt-4 cups
Milk-1/2 cup
Salt-to taste
Green chillies-6
Curry leaves-10
Peanuts-2 tbsp
Cashews-1/4 cup
Urad dal-2 tbsp
Cumin seeds-2 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Oil-2 tbsp


1. Cook 2 cups of rice with 7 cups of water. Let it cool.
2. Transfer rice into a big pan and mash it properly.
3. Add yogurt, milk, salt and water if needed. Mix well and keep it aside. Adjust amount of yogurt and milk according to your taste. If you like rice to be slightly sour then you can skip milk. If you are making rice for the next day then add milk so that rice won't become too sour.
4. Now for tadka, heat oil in a pan and add peanuts. Roast till it starts to change color.
5. Add urad dal and roast till it startsto change color.
6. Add cashews and also roast till it starts to change color.
7. Add cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
8. Add green chillies, hing, curry leaves and mix well. Cook for a minute.
9. Turn off the stove and transfer tadka to the rice mix. Garnish with corriander.

Note: You can also add pomagrenate seeds if they are in season.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Raw mango curry


Raw mangoes-2 big
Onion-2 medium
Green chillies-3
Chana dal-3 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Oil-1.5 tbsp
Curry leaves-10
Salt-to taste
Red chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Shredded coconut (fresh or frozen)-1/2 cup
Jaggery-1 inch or to taste


1. Heat oil in a pan and add chana dal. Roast till they start changing color.
2. Add cumin seeds, mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
3. Add green chillies and curry leaves. Cook for 30 sec.
4. Add finely chopped onion and cook till translucent.
5. Add turmeric and mix well.
6. Add chopped mango and mix well. Cook on a medium flame with lid closed. Mix frequently to avoid curry from sticking to the pan. Sprinkle some water on between only of needed.
7. After the mango starts to get soft, add shredded coconut and jaggery. Mix well.
8. Adjust for spices, add some water if needed, mix well and turn off the stove.
9. Serve with rice or roti.

Pav bhaji


To boil:

Potatoes-3 medium
Cauliflower-1/2 medium
Baby Carrots-15
Frozen peas-1/2 cup
Water-3 cups

For masala:

Onion-1 large
Tomatoes-2 medium
Capsicum-1 small
Butter-2 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Green chillies-3
Pav bhaji masala-1 tbsp
Garam masala-1/2 tbsp
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Salt-to taste
Amchur-1 tsp
Red food color-pinch
Garlic paste-1 tsp

To garnish:

Onion, corriander and lemon


1. Peel potatoes and cut them into 2 inch pieces.
2. Cut cauliflower and baby carrots into small pieces.
3. Boil potatoes, cauliflower, carrots and frozen peas with 3 cups of water for 6 whistles on a medium flame.
4. Meanwhile finely chop onions, capsicum, green chillies and tomatoes. Keep them aside. Once the pressure is gone, mash the veggies and keep them aside.
5. Heat butter in a pan and add cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.
6. Add finely chopped onion and cook till slightly brown on a small flame.
7. Add chopped green chillies and ginger garlic paste. Cook till raw smell goes away.
8. Add tomatoes and cook till the oil is released.
9. Add capsicum and cook for couple of minutes.
10. Now add all the dry masalas including pav bhaji masala, garam masala, red chilly powder, amchur and salt. Mix well.
11. Transfer mashed vegetable mix to the pan, add more water if needed.
12. Check for masalas and adjust for salt and spiciness.
13. Add pinch of food color if you choose to add along with garlic chutney and mix well.
14. Cook for couple more minutes and turn off the stove.
15. Garnish individual servings of bhaji with chopped onion, lemon and cilantro. Serve with butter roasted pavs. Enjoy!!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Masala popcorn


Whole grain corn kernels-2 tbsp
Coconut oil or olive oil-1 tbsp+2 tsp
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Sumac-1 tsp


1. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a large pan and add corn kernels. Mix well.
2. Cover the pan with a lid and let the corn pop out on a small flame.
3. Turn off the lid once you don't hear any pop for 5 sec.
4. Combine 2 tsp of oil, salt, chilly powder and sumac in your hand.
5. Add the spices to the popped corn and mix well.
6. Enjoy delicious and healthy pop corn. You can now stop buying microwaveable popcorn that contains hydrogenated oils:-)
7. You can get creative with the spices, add some butter if you like.

For creative toppings, check out this link:

Dal fry


To pressure cook:

Toor dal-3/4 cup
Masoor dal-1 cup
Water-4 cups

For tadka:

Ghee-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Ginger-1 in
Garlic-3 cloves
Dried red chillies-3
Green chillies-3
Red chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Salt-to taste
Onion-1 small

Cilantro-to garnish


1. Soak dal in water for 30 min and pressure cook for 4-6 whistles depending upon the cooker.
2. For tadka, heat ghee in a pan. Add mustard and cumin seeds and let them splutter.
3. Add finely chopped ginger and garlic and saute for 30 sec.
4. Add red and green chillies, mix well.
5. Add turmeric, hing, salt and red chilly powder and mix well.
6. Now add finely chopped onions and cook till translucent.
7. Add finely chopped tomato and cook till soft.
8. Add dal to tadka or vice versa and add water to reach desired consistency.
9. Adjust for salt and chilly powder and garnish with cilantro.
10. Serve this tasty and healthy dal tadka with rice, fresh lemon and onion.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Masala frittata


Milk-1/2 cup
Onion-2 medium
Red bell pepper-1
Corriander-1/2 cup
Spring onions-3
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Garam masala-1 tsp
Green chillies-3
Ginger-1 inch
Butter-2 tbsp
Shredded mozzarella cheese-1/2 cup


1. Preheat oven to 350F. Beat eggs in a bowl and combine with milk, cilantro and chopped spring onions. Season with a little salt and pepper.  Keep it aside.
2. Heat butter in an oven proof skillet on a stove top. Add finely chopped onions and cook till translucent.
3. Add chopped Red peppers and cook till soft.
4. Now add chopped tomatoes and cook for few sec.
5. Add the combined egg mix and distribute evenly.
6. Cook on small flame for 2-4 minutes till the sides of the frittata are set.
7. Sprinkle the top of frittata with cheese and transfer into the oven.
8. Let it bake for 20-30 minutes or till the fork comes out clean when inserted.
9. Turn off the oven and let it sit inside the oven for 15-20 minutes.
10. Slice into 8 triangles and serve with ketchup or your favorite got sauce.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Aloo masala for dosa


Potatoes-4 medium
Onion-1 large
Green chillies-4
Urad dal-2 tbsp
Chana dal-2 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1.5 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Oil-1 tbsp
Turmeric-1/2 tsp
Salt-to taste
Corriander-to garnish


1. Wash potatoes thoroughly, slice them into half and pressure cook with enough water on a medium flame for 5 whistles. Adjust the cooking time based on your pressure cooker.
2. Peel the skin of cooked potatoes, mash them and keep it aside.
3. Finely chop onions and keep it aside.
4. Heat oil in a pan and add chana dal. Roast for 30 sec.
5. Now add urad dal and roast till its color begins to change.
6. Add cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
7. Add finely chopped green chillies and cook for a minute.
8. Add finely chopped onions and cook till they become brown.
9. Add turmeric and salt. Mix well.
10. Finally add mashed potatoes. Combine well. Adjust for salt and spice and turn off the stove.
11. Squeeze the lemon and garnish with corriander.
12. Serve tasty aloo masala with dosas.

Dosa batter


Urad dal-1/2 cup
Sona masoori rice-2 cups
Methi seeds-1/2 tsp
Thin poha-1/2 cup
Sabudana-1/4 cup


1. Wash urad dal and rice. Soak together with methi seeds and sabudana overnight with enough water.
2. Next day soak poha in enough water to make it soft.
3. Grind soaked dal/rice mix with soaked poha in a blender with just enough water to make into a smooth mix.
4. The batter should not be too thick or too thin. Transfer into a bowl.
5. Ferment for 8-10 hr or overnight.
6. To make dosas, heat a non stick pan. Add pinch of salt and sugar to the batter. Take 1 big spoonful of batter and pour it in the center. The ladle should have a round/oval shaped bottom. Starting from the center, spread the batter by moving the spoon in spiral manner until the batter is spread out evenly.
7. If you like, add 1/2 tsp oil/ghee around the dosa.
8. When you see that the edges of dosa are coming off from the pan, remove it using a spatula for plain dosa.  You can apply whatever kind of masalas/cheese at this point and then remove for masala dosas.
9. To prepare for next dosa, clean the surface of the pan using wet tissue paper or wet cloth. This prevents the next dosa from sticking to the pan.
10. Serve them with chutney and sambhar.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Mooli paratha


Mooli (radish)-1 large
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Garam masala-1/2 tsp
Amchur-1/2 tsp
Salt-pinch for each paratha
Ghee-to roast
Whole wheat dough-made from 2 cups of floor


1. Make whole wheat dough in the same way as you make for rotis and rest for atleast 30 min.
2. Peel the skin of radish. Grate and keep it aside for 15 min.
3. After 15 min when water is released from radish, squeeze off the water. Keep it aside.
4. Mix red chilly powder, amchur and garam masala into grated radish. Do not add salt at this step because it releases more water.
5. Heat tawa and start to prepare paratha.
6. To make a paratha, take a tennis ball sized dough and roll into 4 inch circle.
7. Now take lemon sized radish mix and put in the center of rolled dough. Sprinkle salt on the radish mix.
8. Seal the dough, dip it in dry floor and roll into 10 inch circle or as desired. Radish continues to release water so keep adding flour while rolling to prevent it from sticking to the surface.
9. Cook on heated tawa on a very small flame, apply ghee on both sides and continue to cook till brown spots appear on both sides.
10. Serve with yogurt and pickle.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Aloo tomato curry


Onion-1 big
Potatoes-4 big
Tomatoes-4 medium
Salt-to taste
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Cumin powder-1 tsp
Chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Amchur-2 tsp
Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Turmeric-1/4 tsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp


1. Peel potatoes, wash, cut them into 2 inch cubes and keep them aside.
2. Chop onion and tomatoes. Keep them aside.
3. Heat oil in a pressure cooker.
4. Add cumin and mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
5. Add chopped onion and let it cook till translucent.
6. Add ginger garlic paste, turmeric and cook for a minute.
7. Now add tomatoes and cook for couple of minutes.
8. Add salt, chilly powder, cumin powder, corriander powder, amchur ands mix well.
9. Now add cubed potatoes and mix well.
10. Close the lid of pressure cooker and cook on a very small flame for two whistles. If you cook on a large flame, the curry may get burnt.
11. After the whistle is gone, remove the lid and mix well.
12. Garnish with corriander and serve worth dal, roti and rice.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Cabbage peas curry


Cabbage-1/2 large
Frozen Peas-1 cup
Onion-1 large
Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Curry leaves-5
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Green chillies-3
Salt-to taste
Cumin powder-2 tsp
Corriander powder-2 tsp
Garam masala-1.5 tsp
Amchur-1.5 tsp


1. Slice cabbage, onion,tomatoes, green chillies and keep them aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin and mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
3. Add onion,green chillies and curry leaves. Mix well and cook till onion is translucent.
4. And ginger garlic paste, turmeric and going and cook for a minute.
5. Now add salt, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala and amchur. Mix well.
6. Add shredded cabbage, mix well and cover the lid. Cook on small flame till soft. Mix in between and add 1/2 cup of water if necessary.
7. Once the cabbage is soft, add frozen peas and cook till the pass are soft.
8. Finally as chopped tomatoes and cover the lid. Cook for couple of minutes until soft.
9. Adjust for spices, add corriander, mix and turn off the stove.
10. Serve with rice or roti.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Bendakaya (okra) curry

Onion-1 big
Tomatoes-2 big
Oil-3 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Cumin powder-1 tsp
Amchur-1 tsp
Garam masala-1 tsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Yogurt-1/4 cup
Water-1 cup
Salt-to taste
Corriander-to garnish


1. Wash and cut okra into 1 in thick circles.
2. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan and saute okra pieces till soft and slightly brown. Cook it with the lid open for okra to retain some crunch. Keep it aside.
3. In the same pan or a different one heat remaining 1.5 tbsp oil and add cumin seeds and mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
4. Add ginger garlic paste and cook for a minute.
5. Add turmeric and saute for few sec.
6. Add thinly sliced onions and cook on a medium flame till soft and slightly brown. Cook with the lid open.
7. After the onions are cooked, add tomatoes and cook till soft and oil is released.
8. Now add salt, chilly powder, corriander powder, cumin powder, amchur and mix well.
9. Add sautéed okra and mix well.
10. In a separate bowl, smoothen the yogurt and transfer it to the pan. Mix well.
11. Add garam masala, 1 cup of water and adjust for salt taste.
12. Cook for couple of minutes, tien odd the stove and garnish with corriander.
13. Serve hot with rice or roti.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ven pongal


Split Moong dal-1 cup
Sona masoori rice-1 cup
Ghee-1.5 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Ginger-1 inch piece
Whole pepper-2 tsp
Green chillies-2
Curry leaves-5
Salt-to taste


1. Roast moong dal in a pan till it starts to change color.
2. Add rice to dal and wash.
3. Pressure cook moong dal rice and salt with 5 cups of water for two whistles.
4. Heat ghee in a small pan. Add cumin seeds and allow them to splutter.
5. Add pepper and roast for few sec.
6. Add turmeric and hing and mix well.
7. Now add finely chopped green chillies, curry leaves, ginger and cook for a minute.
8. Add chopped cashew and cook till cashew changes its color.
9. Remove the pan from the flame and put the pressure cooker.
10. Transfer tadka mix to the pressure cooker, add salt, add more water if the consistency is too dry and let it cook for couple of minutes.
11. Enjoy delicious pongal with sambar and coconut chutney.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Quick Sweet corn snack


Sweet corn kernels-1 cup
Oil-1 tsp
Chilly powder-1/4 tsp
Chat masala-1/4 tsp


1. Heat oil in a pan and add frozen corn.
2. Once the corn gets soft, add salt and other masalas. Mix well.
3. Turn off the stove and add lemon. Serve hot.

Mango pear lassi


Ripe Mango-1/2 large
Ripe pear-1
Milk-1/2 cup
Yogurt-2 tbsp


1. Slice mango and pear (without skin) and blend with milk and yogurt. Enjoy the delicious and healthy smoothie.

Garlic mirch chutney


Garlic-10 big cloves
Curry leaves-10
Urad dal-1/4 cup
Cumin seeds-2 tsp
Oil-1 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Cumin powder-1/2 tsp


1. Peel off skin on garlic and cup into big pieces. Keep it aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan and add urad dal. Roast for 30 sec and add cumin seeds. Let it splutter.
3. Add curry leaves and cook for 30 sec.
4. Now add chopped garlic and cook until soft.
5. Turn off the stove and add salt, chilly powder and cumin powder.
6. Mix well and serve as a side with rice, dal and rasam.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Banana fritters


Ripe bananas-2
Maida-1/4 cup+2 tbsp
Cinnamon-1/2 tsp
Oil-1 tbsp


1. Mash ripe  bananas in a bowl.
2. Add egg and beat well.
3. Mix in flour, salt and cinnamon powder. The mix should not be too funny or too thick. Adjust flour accordingly.
4. Heat oil in a non stick pan and pour two spoonfuls of batter. Repeat until you run out of the space on the pan. Cook on very small flame. Flip the fritter when you see bubbles on the top or when the bottom side is browned and cook for 30 sec-1 min or until slightly brown on the other side.
5. Stack fritters, drizzle honey or maple syrup and enjoy!!

Basil rasam


To grind:

Basil-2 fistful
Green chilly-1
Curry leaves-10
Water-1/2 cup
Ginger-1/2 in
Toor dal-2 tbsp

For tadka:

Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Black pepper-1/2 tsp

Rasam powder-1 tbsp
Black pepper-1 tsp
Corriander leaves-to garnish 
Salt-to taste


1. Cook toor dal and keep it aside.
2. Grind tomatoes, cooked toor dal, curry leaves, basil, green chilly and ginger along with water.
3. Transfer blended mixture into a pan and add 1-2 cups of water.
4. Add salt, rasam powder, black pepper and bring it to a boil.
5. Prepare tadka by heating oil and adding cumin, mustard seeds, hing, turmeric and pepper.
6. Transfer tadka to the boiling rasam. Adjust for salt, rasam powder, black pepper and consistency of rasam.
7. Turn off the stove and add lemon juice and corriander. Mix well and serve hot with rice.

Tomato dal


To pressure cook:

Toor dal-1.5 cups
Onion-1/2 medium
Garlic-4 cloves
Salt-1/4 tsp

For tadka:

Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Curry leaves-5
Green chillies-4
Onions-2 tbsp chopped
Red chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Salt-to taste

Corriander-to garnish


1. Wash toor dal. Pressure cook with chopped onions, tomatoes, garlic and some salt for 4 whistles.
2. Heat oil in a tadka pan. Add cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
3. Add curry leaves and cook for 15 sec.
4. Add turmeric, hing and mix well.
5. Now add finely chopped onions, green chillies and cook till soft.
6. Add red chilly powder and cook for 30 sec.
7. Transfer the tadka to the pressure chopped dal.
8. Adjust for salt and water consistency and cook for few more minutes.
9. Turn off the stove and add lemon.
10. Garnish with corriander leaves and serve hot with rice.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Burrito bowl


Black beans-1 cup dry
Green Capsicum-1
Onion-1 medium
Oil-1 tbsp
Corn-1/4 cup
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Rice of your choice


Sour cream
Mexican hot sauce


1. Soak black beans overnight. Wash and pressure cook in 3 cups of water for 4-5 whistles.
2. Heat oil in a pan and add thin lengthwise slices onions and capsicum.
3. Cook till soft and crispy.
4. Add frozen or fresh corn and season with salt and pepper.
5. Assemble rice, bean mix and add all of your favorite toppings.
6. Enjoy delicious and healthy burrito bowl.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Palak Paneer


Oil-2 tbsp
Cumin-1 tsp
Bay leaf-1
Onion-1 medium
Salt-to taste
Chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Garam madala-1/2 tsp
Amchur-1/2 tsp
Water-2 cups
Paneer-200 g
Kasoori methi-1 tsp
Cream-2 tbsp

To grind:

Palak-8 oz
Garlic-2 cloves
Ginger-1 in slice
Green chillies-3


1. Blanch spinach and blend it with ginger, garlic and green chillies. Keep it aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan and add cloves, cardomom, bay leaf and cumin. Cook for few sec.
3. Add finely chopped onions and cook till brown.
4. Add finely chopped tomatoes and cook till oil is released.
5. Now add chilly powder and turmeric and cook for 30 sec.
6. Now transfer the blended paste along with 2 cups of water. Add salt and cook for 5-10 min.
7. Adjust for spices and add paneer cubes.
8. Cook till paneer becomes soft. Add more water if needed.
9. Add kasoori methi and mix well.
10. Turn off the stove and add cream. Mix well and serve with roti or jeera rice.

Quick rice puff snack


Rice puffs-2 cups
Oil-1 tsp
Chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Onion-1/2 small


1. Take rice puffs in a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 30-45 sec. They will become crispy.
2. Mix chilly powder and oil and then add to rice puffs. Mix well.
3. Add chopped onions and enjoy this delicious snack.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Dal tadka


Toor dal-1 cup
Water-4 cups
Ghee-1 tbsp
Jeera-1.5 tsp
Ginger-1 in slice
Green chillies-3
Dried red chillies-2
Curry leaves-5
Salt-to taste
Corriander-to garnish


1. Wash dal and pressure cook with three cups of water for 4-6 whistles.
2. Heat ghee in a tadka pan.
3. Add jeera and allow it to splutter.
4. Add turmeric, hing and cook for 5 sec.
5. Add grated ginger, curry leaves, chopped green chillies and red chillies. Cook for a minute.
6. Once the pressure goes off, transfer tadka to the pressure cooker and add salt.
7. Add 1 cup of water and mix well.
8. Allow it to come to a boil, check for salt and turn off the stove.
9. Squeeze lemon and garnish with corriander.
10. Serve with rice or roti along with aloo gobi!

Aloo gobi


Aloo-5 medium
Gobi-1 medium
Oil-2 tbsp
Jeera-1 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Cumin powder-1 tbsp
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Amchur-2 tsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Peel potato and cut into 1 inch slices.
2. Cut gobi and keep it aside.
3. Heat oil in a kadai and add jeera. Allow it to splutter.
4. Add potato slices and cook until it starts to change color.
5. Add salt, turmeric, chilly powder and mix well.
6. Now add gobi slices and mix well.
7. Add cumin powder, coriander powder, amchur and mix well.
8. Close lid and cook for 5-10 minutes till aloo and gobi are soft but not mushy. Keep stirring in between to prevent the curry from burning.
9. Turn off the stove. Add lemon and garnish with corriander.
10. Serve with plain dal and roti.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Cucumber salad


Chat masala-pinch
Chilly powder-pinch


1. Slice cucumber into 1 inch circles.
2. Add all the spices including lemon. Mix well and enjoy. Super healthy salad that cools of your body.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Breakfast poha


Thin Poha-3 cups
Oil-1 tbsp
Onion-1 medium
Green chillies-5
Peanuts-1/4 cup
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Curry leaves-10
Salt-to taste
Amchur-1 tsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Measure  poha in a bowl and sprinkle water. Add enough water to make poha soft. Keep it aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan and roast peanuts till they start to change color.
3. Add cumin, mustard seeds, curry leaves, green chillies and cook for 15-30 sec.
4. Add finely chopped onions and cook till translucent.
5. Now add turmeric, salt, amchur and mix well.
6. Transfer wet poha and mix well. Cook for couple of minutes. Sprinkle some water if poha gets dry.
7. Adjust for spices and add lemon.
8. Turn off the stove, garnish with corriander and serve hot with curd.



Milk-8 cups
Custard powder-8 tbsp
Sugar-1 cup


1. Heat milk in a wide pan on a small flame. Keep stirring occasionally.
2.  In a small bowl add custard powder to few tbsp of cold milk. Mix well until the powder dissolves. Make sure there are no clumps.
3. Add this mix to the milk along with sugar.
4. Continue to boil the mix till it reaches to a desired consistency. Adjust for sugar. Note that custard thickens as it cools.
5. Let it cool and refrigerate it.
6. Serve the custard with your desired fruits.
7. It is advisable to cut the fruits at the time of serving.
8. You can add combination of bananas, apples, mangoes and pomegranate.
9. Serve cold and enjoy the delicious custard

Mango Frooti


Sliced Raw green mango-2 cups
Sliced ripe mango-4 cups
Water-4 cups
Sugar-3/4 cup


1. Blend green mango, ripe mango along with 1 cup of water and sugar.
2. In a pan, add blended mango along with 3 cups of water.
3. Add more water and sugar and adjust for consistency and sweetness.
4. Bring the mix to boil and continue to boil for 10 more minutes. Check for taste and consistency again.
5. Turn off the stove and let it cool to room temperature.
6. Sieve the mix to remove pulp. If you like it with pulp, you can skip this step.
7. Refrigerate it and serve cold.
8. This tastes exact like store brought mango frooti. Enjoy this deliciousness!!

Vankaya masala


Oil-3 tbsp+to fry
Cumin-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Cinnamon-1/2 in piece
Bay leaf-1
Curry leaves-10
Onion-1 big
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Tamarind-Lemon size ball
Corriander powder-1 tbsp
Red chilly powder-1.5 tsp
Garam masala-1 tsp
Amchur-1 tsp
Salt-to taste

For masala:

Peanuts-1/2 cup
Chana dal-4 tbsp
Sesame seeds-4 tbsp
Dried Coconut powder-1/2 cup


1. Wash brinjals and slit them diagonally keeping the stem intact. Keep them in salt water to remove any bitterness and to prevent them from changing color. Dry them before deep frying.
2. Heat oil in a deep kadai and deep fry brinjals until soft and they start to become golden brown. Keep them aside on a paper towel.
3. Heat a pan and add peanuts. Dry roast on a small flame till they start to change the color.
4. Now add chana dal and roast till they start to turn brown.
5. Add sesame seeds, roast for 30 sec. Turn off the stove and add coconut flakes. Mix well and keep it aside. You will see the coconut powder turning brown as well in a few sec.
6. Transfer the above mix to a blender and blend to powder. Now add 1 cup of water and grind into a paste. Keep it aside.
7. Extract tamarind juice and keep it aside.
8. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a pan and add cumin seeds , mustard seeds, cloves, cardomom, cinnamon and bay leaf. Allow them to splutter.
9. Add finely chopped onion and cook till brown.
10. Add ginger garlic paste and cook for 30 sec.
11. Now add the ground paste to the pan. Mix well and add corriander powder, salt, red chilly powder, amchur  and garam masala. Stir well.
12. Add 2 cups water and tamarind juice. Mix well and adjust for spices and add more water if needed.
13. Now close the lid and cook on a small flame for 10-15 min. Mix occasionally to prevent the masala from sticking to the pan.
14. Add deep fried brinjals, mix and cook for 10 more minutes or until oil comes out.
15. Turn off the stove, garnish with corriander leaves.
16. Serve with rotis or rice. 

Fresh mint chocolate chip no churn ice cream


Mint-10-15 leaves
Heavy cream-2 cups
14 oz sweetened condensed milk-1 can
Semi sweet chocolate chips-2 tbsp or more based on your liking


1. Wash mint thoroughly, dry it and keep it aside.
2. Pour heavy cream into a sauce pan. Add chopped fresh mint leaves and heat it until the cream starts to boil. At this point when the cream is heating up,  you can taste it and adjust the number of mint leaves accordingly.
3. Remove from the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature.
4. Transfer the mix into an air tight bowl and refrigerate for 4 hr or overnight. The cream has to be completely cold.
5. Now whip the strained cream until foamy and to stiff peaks.
6. Slowly add sweetened condensed milk and gently fold in with the whipped cream. Add chocolate chips and give a gentle stir.
7. Transfer to an icecream container or airtight ceramic or glass container.
8. Place plastic wrap directly on thw aurface of icecream to prevent the formation of ice crystals.
9. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight till it freezes. Place the container on the bottom surface of the freezer where it is the coldest. If you place the container on the top of something, icecream may not freeze well.
10. Enjoy delicious home made chocolate chip mint icecream.

Note: You can use peppermint or spearmint (regular mint that you get in Indian stores). Both have different flavors. I have never tried this recipe with peppermint.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Mushroom Biryani


Basmati rice-2 cups
Oil-2 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Bay leaves-2
Cinnamon-1/2 inch piece
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Green chillies-3
Cilantro-1/4 cup
Fried onions-1/2 cup
Salt-to taste
Bombay biryani masala-1 tbsp
Water-3 cups
Yogurt-1/2 cup


1. Wash rice and soak for 30 min.
2. Wash mushrooms and cut into tiny pieces.
3. Heat oil in a pressure cooker. Add cumin, mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
4. Add cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves and cardomom. Cook for few sec.
5. Add ginger garlic paste and cook till the raw smell goes away.
6. Now add cashews and green chillies and cook for 30 sec.
7. Add thinly spiced mushrooms and cook till the water released is evaporated.
8. Add fried onions, salt, yogurt, cilantro and bombay biryani masala and cook for a minute.
9. Transfer soaked rice and saute for a minute.
10. Add 3 cups of water, adjust for salt and pressure cook for 2 whistles.
11. Wait for the whistle to be gone and serve warm with raita.

Note: You can replace fried onions with regular onions. Add them before mushrooms and saute till golden brown.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Gatte ki sabzi


For gatte:

Besan-1 1/4 cup
Saunf-1 tsp
Ajwain-1/4 tsp
Salt-to taste to taste
Chilly powder-1 tsp
Oil-2 tbsp
Curd-1 tbsp


Curd-2 cups
Besan-1.5 tbsp
Turmeric-1/4 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Curry leaves-10
Oil-1 tbsp
Red chilly powder-1 tsp
Coriander powder-1 tbsp
Salt-to taste
Corriander-to garnish
Water-1 cup
Bay leaf-1
Cinnamon-1 in piece


For gatte:

1. Combine all ingredients to make gatte in a bowl into a stiff and non sticky dough. Carefully add extra water as needed to make the dough.
2. Roll into 1/2 inch thick cylinders of 3 inch height.
3. Boil water in a pan and add rolled out gatte.
4. Wait until gatte floats to the top of the surface and cook for additional 5 min. Cut a small piece and check if they are cooked completely.
5. Turn off the stove and transfer gatte into a plate. Cut into 1/2 inch thick pieces and keep them aside.

For gravy:

6. Take 1/4 cup of yogurt into a bowl and add 1.5 tbsp of besan. Mix well and make sure there are no clumps. Now add remaining yogurt. Mix well and keep it aside.
7. Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin, mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
8. Add clove, cardomom, cinnamon, bay leaf and cook for 30 sec.
9. Add curry leaves, hing, turmeric and cook for few sec.
10. Add salt, chilly powder and corriander powder and saute for few sec. 
11. Now transfer yogurt-besan mixture into the pan along with 1 cup of water and mix well.
12. Transfer sliced gattes and bring the mixture to a boil. Keep mixing occasionally. Adjust for consistency by either adding more water or cooking for longer.
13. Once the gravy reaches desired consistency, turn off the stove and garnish with corriander.
14. Serve warm with rotis.



Rice-1 cup
Moong dal-3/4 cup
Water-6 cups
Ghee-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds- 1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Curry leaves-10
Green chillies-2
Dried red chillies-2
Salt-to taste


1. Wash rice and dal thoroughly. Soak in water for 30 min.
2. Heat ghee in a pressure cooker. Add cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
3. Add ginger garlic paste and cook until the raw smell goes away.
4. Add curry leaves, green chillies, red chillies, turmeric, salt and cook for a minute.
5. Drain the water and add rice and dal to the pressure cooker. Saute for a minute.
6. Add 6 cups of water. Adjust for salt and pressure cook for 4 whistles.
7. Once the pressure is gone, serve warm with pickle, curd and papad.