Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chocolate chip ricotta pancakes


Ricotta cheese-1 cup
All purpose flour-1 cup
Baking powder-1/2 tsp
Salt-1/4 tsp
Sugar-1.5 tbsp
Chocolate chips-3 tbsp
Vanilla extract-1/2 tsp
Milk-3/4 cup
Oil spray for cooking


1. Separate egg yolks from whites and add them to a big bowl.
2. Add ricotta cheese, milk, vanilla extract to yolks and whisk properly.
3. In a separate bowl, add flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Whisk well.
4. Transfer dry ingredients to wet ingedients and combine properly.
5. In a separate bowl, whisk egg whites with electric mixer till soft peak.
6. Fold in egg whites and chocolate chips just enough. Dont over mix.
7. Heat a pan and add spoonful of batter. Shake the pan gently and allow the batter to spread evenly. Cook on a very small flame.
8. Once the bubbles appear on the top, flip it over and cook for 30 sec-1 min till slightly brown. The pancakes will get burnt if you cook them on a high flame.
9. Transfer to a pan and serve with fruit compote, maple syrup and butter. Enjoy the delicious fluffy ricotta pancakes.

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