Monday, August 1, 2016

Mint lachcha paratha


Mint-1 cup packed
Oil-1 tbsp
Salt-1 tsp
Whole wheat flour-3 cups
Water-1.5 cups (approximately)
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Fennel seeds-1 tsp
Dried red chilly-1
Chat masala-1 tbsp
Ghee-to cook parathas


1. In a bowl combine flour, half cup chopped mint, oil, salt and enough water to make a soft dough. Keep the dough aside for 30 min.
2. Heat a pan and add remainder of mint leaves. Cook until the leaves are dry and crispy. Keep the leaves aside.
3. In the same pan, roast cumin seeds, fennel seeds and dry red chilly.
4. Make powder of dried mint and roasted ingredients.
5. Add chat masala to the ground powder and keep it aside.
6. Take tennis ball sized dough and roll it into a thin circle.
7. Spread ghee on one side. Sprinkle flour and ground masala.
8. Now make folds as you would make for lachcha paratha.
9. Roll into a circle and roll it again.
10. Cook on a heated tawa and apply ghee on both sides as needed.
11. Enjoy these delicious and flaky lachcha parathas with pickle and yogurt.

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