Monday, April 11, 2016

Poha Chivda


Oil-5 tbsp
Peanuts-1 cup
Green chillies-10 small
Jeera-1 tbsp
Corriander seeds-1 tbsp
Sesame seeds-1 tbsp
Salt-1 tbsp
Turmeric-3/4 tbsp
Poha-11 cups
Roasted chana dal-1/2 cup
Sugar-1 tsp


1. Heat oil in a big kadai. Add peanuts and roast them on a small flame till slightly brown.
2. Add green chillies, jeera, sesame seeds, corriander seeds, salt and turmeric. Mix well until salt dissolves and the chillies are dry.
3. Now add poha and mix it well with the ingredients on a very small flame.
4. Once you mix it well, add roasted chana dal and keep mixing. I turn the kadai while mixing to ensure even mix.
5. Poha may burn if you let it sit without mixing.
6. Continue to mix on a very small flame until poha and chana dal become crispy.
7. Add sugar and give it a stir.
8. Turn off the stove and let it cool completely before transfering into an airtight container.

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