Saturday, April 23, 2016

Home made yogurt


Milk-6 cups
Yogurt-1 tbsp


1. Boil sufficient amount of milk in either microvave or on stove top.
2. It usually takes 10-15 min to boil 4-6 cups of milk in microwave.
3. Bring it to body temperature. Test the temperature by placing your finger in milk. It usually takes 45 min for 6 cups of milk to cool down.
4. Now add 1 tbsp of yogurt for 6 cups of milk and mix well. The amount of yogurt need not to be exact.
5. Now this is the important step. Place the milk in a warm place for 8-10 hr (overnight). My favorite warm place in the kitchen is oven. Ovens are mostly warm and the temperature is perfect for the formation of yogurt.
6. If you like to use the yogurt for more than a day, store it in refrigerator.
7. Do not let it sit in the oven for long because the yogurt will become sour.
8. When it is this easy to make delicious home made yogurt, why buy it in the store where they add milk powder in the store. Try it today!!

PS: The taste and texture of your yogurt will be similar to that of the culture. So choose the culture wisely.

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