Sunday, July 26, 2015

Caprese salad


Tomato ripe-1/2
Avocado*-1/2 medium
Mozzarella cheese**-equivalent to 1 cheese stick
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste
Lemon-1/2 tsp
Basil leaves-5
Olive oil-drizzle


1. Arrange alternately tomato, avocado, cheese and basil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, lemon and olive oil. You can add some pine nuts or other nuts if desired.
2. Healthy fats from avocado, protein from cheese and vitamin C from tomato makes this a really healthy salad. Enjoy delicious, healthy salad and serve fresh and cold.
*I use Florida avocado when in season and it tastes delicious when compared to the one from California.
**Use fresh mozzarella balls for better taste. I used cheese stick as I had a lot of them :D

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