Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sour Cream Bread



Sour Cream-1.5 cups
Water-2 tbsp
All purpose flour-3.5 cups
Sugar-1.5 tbsp
Salt-1 tsp
Yeast-2 1/4 tsp



Yeast preparation

1. Heat water and make sure the temperature is close to your body temperature. It should not be too hot or too cold.
2. Add yeast, sugar to a bowl and then add water. Let it sit at room temperature for 15 minutes or until the mixture becomes frothy. Sugar makes the mix more frothy. Meanwhile work on the other ingredients.

Dough preparation

1. Add flour, salt in a big bowl and mix until there are no lumps.
2. Add sour cream, yeast mixture to the flour. Knead properly until smooth.
3. The more you knead the softer your bread turns out. Knead the dough for atleast 10 min and make sure it becomes soft and there are no crumbles.
4. Transfer it to another bowl with oiled surface and cover with a moist towel or plastic wrap. Keep the bowl in a warm place for an hour or until your dough becomes double the size. I keep the bowl inside the oven.
5. Now take the dough and knead it again quickly. 
6. Shape it like a bread loaf and transfer to a bread loaf pan.
7. Cover the pan with a wrap and place in the over for an another hour. The dough will rise to double the size.
8. Turn on the oven to 375F and bake for 30 min or till the fork comes out clean from the center.
9. Enjoy this moist bread with chilly olive oil!

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