Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Methi paratha


Methi-1 bunch
Whole wheat flour-3 cups
Salt-1 tsp
Green chillies-3
Oil-1 tbsp
Ajwain-1/2 tsp
Water-1 cup+1 tbsp
Ghee/oil-to cook


1. Combine all the above ingredients except for water.
2. Add water slowly until the dough becomes soft. Knead it and maker into abig soft ball. Allow the dough to rest for 30 min.
3. Take a small portion of dough and coat it with flour on both sides.
4. Roll into a 3 in circle. Spread oil on one side, sprinkle flour and fold into half. Now spread pull and sprinkle floor again. Fold into a triangle shape.
5. Roll it into a paratha with 1/4-1/2 in thickness. Apply floor when necessary during this process to prevent sticking.
6. Pre-heat tawa and cook paratha on a small flame. Apply ghee on both sides and continue to cook on small flame until brown spots appear on both sides. 
7. Serve delicious methi paratha with curd and pickle.

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