Saturday, March 4, 2017

Potlakaya (snake gourd) perugu (curd) pachadi


Potlakaya (snake gourd)-2 long
Yogurt-2 cups
Oil-1 tbsp+1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Curry leaves-10
Dried red chillies-2
Green chillies-2
Ginger-2 in piece
Salt-to taste
Corriander-to garnish


1. Peel snake gourd and cut into very small pieces.
2. Heat 1 tsp of oil in a pan and add snake good pieces. Sprinkle some salt and mix well.
3. Add 1 cup of water and cook with the lid closed. Stir in between and add more water if needed to prevent it from burning. Cook till soft and water is evaporated.
4. Turn off the stove.
5. In a separate small pan or tadka pan, add 1 tbsp of oil and add cumin seeds and mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
6. Add grated ginger, hing, turmeric, curry leaves, thinly cut green chillies, red chillies and cook for a minute. Turn off the stove.
7. Beat curd in a separate bowl.
8. Add tadka and beaten curd to the pan with cooked snake guard.
9. Check for salt,  add more curd if needed and garnish with corriander. Serve with rice or roti. Enjoy!

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