Friday, December 20, 2019

Multigrain spinach paneer paratha


Makes 4 small parathas

Jowar flour-2 tbsp
Bajri flour-2 tbsp
Spinach-4 tbsp finely chopped
Paneer-2 tbsp
Salt-as needed
Jeera-1/2 tsp
Chilly powder-1/4 tsp
Water-as needed
Oil-as needed to make parathas


1. Mix all ingredients to make a soft dough.
2. Take a plastic zip-lock and cut it to make a flat sheet.
3. Spread oil and keep it aside.
4. Divide the dough into four pieces. Take one part and make a ball.
5. Place the dough on zip lock and press it. Spread with your fingers till it gets 1/2 inch thick.
6. Heat a tawa and carefully turn the paratha flattened on the plastic sheet onto the tawa.
7. Apply oil/ghee and cook on both sides till brown spots appear. Serve with dahi and pickle.

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