Sunday, August 9, 2015

Coconut milk egg curry


Raghu sauce (tomato, garlic, onion)-30 oz
Eggs-5 boiled
Coconut milk-14 oz
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Salt-to taste
Chilly powder-1 tsp
Garam masala-1 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tsp
Corriander leaves-1/4 cup


1. Boil eggs, peel and cut them in half. Keep it aside.
2. Heat a pan and cook raghu sauce till thick (~10 min). Add coconut milk, spices and corriander leaves. Cook for couple more minutes.
3. Add egg slices and cook for couple more minutes. Adjust for spices.
4. Serve with roti or rice.

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