Sunday, August 9, 2015

Coconut milk egg curry


Raghu sauce (tomato, garlic, onion)-30 oz
Eggs-5 boiled
Coconut milk-14 oz
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Salt-to taste
Chilly powder-1 tsp
Garam masala-1 tsp
Corriander powder-1 tsp
Corriander leaves-1/4 cup


1. Boil eggs, peel and cut them in half. Keep it aside.
2. Heat a pan and cook raghu sauce till thick (~10 min). Add coconut milk, spices and corriander leaves. Cook for couple more minutes.
3. Add egg slices and cook for couple more minutes. Adjust for spices.
4. Serve with roti or rice.

Spinach Paratha


Servings: 8-9 parathas

Spinach-3 cups
Whole wheat flour-3 cups
Oil-1 tbsp
Ajwain-1 tsp
Salt-1 tsp
Green chillies-4
Water-1 cup
Turmeric-1/2 tsp
Ghee-for cooking parathas
Corriander leaves/Mint leaves/Basil (optional)-1/4 cup


1. Wash spinach and keep aside.
2. Heat a pan and add spinach and/or any others greens that you would like and cook till soft and all the water is evaporated. Let it cool down.
3. In a big bowl, add flour, salt, chopped garlic and green chillies, turmeric, ajwain and oil. Mix well.
4. Now add cooked spinach and enough water to make into a fine dough. Do not add all the water once. Mix dough while adding water.
5. Knead the dough properly and keep it aside.
6. Now take tennis ball sized portion of dough and roll it on a board/granite into 1/4-1/2 inch thickness. If you like the paratha to be flaky, roll the dough slightly, spread with ghee and flour it. Half it and spread ghee and flour again. Now shape it into a triangle and roll it out.
7. Heat the tawa and keep it on a small to medium flame. Roast the paratha on one side. Turn and apply ghee according to taste. Turn it around and apply ghee on other side. Cook till brown spots appear.
8. Enjoy with pickle and yogurt or any sabzi you like!

Baba Ganoush


Eggplant-1 large
Tahini-1/4 cup
Garlic-4 cloves
Salt-1/2 tsp or to taste
Hot sauce-8 dashes or to taste


1. Depending on how smoky you like your eggplant, roast on gas stove. I usually roast till the skin gets charred.
2. Turn your oven to 375 F. Transfer the eggplant onto to an aluminium foil and let it bake for 10-20 minutes till the eggplant becomes soft.
3. Remove the egg plant from oven and let it cool down. Remove the skin and keep it aside.
4. Add eggplant, tahini,  garlic, lemon, salt and hot sauce in a blender. Blend till smooth. Adjust for salt, lemon and hot sauce.
5. Serve this smoky and delicious Baba Ganoush with pita bread or veggies!