Sunday, October 26, 2014

Barley soup


1. Barley pearls-1 cup
2. Chicken/vegetable stock-1-2 cup
3. Eggplant-1 small
4. Butternut squash-1 cup diced
5. Yellow zucchini-1
6. Red bell pepper-1/2 cup
7. Green beans-1/2 cup
8. Snow peas-1/2 cup
9. Carrots sliced-1/2 cup
10.Onion-1/2 small
11. Ginger paste-1 tsp
12. Cumin-1 tsp
13. Cinnamon-1/2 in piece
14. Cardamom-3-4
15. Cloves-3
16. Curry powder/garam masala-optional to enhance taste


1.  Soak barley overnight and cook in a pressure cooker until soft (2-3 whistles).
2. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pressure cooker. Add cumin, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and saute for 30 sec. Add ginger paste and saute for 30 sec.
3. Add onions and cook till soft.
4. Add eggplant and cook till soft. Then, add all your favorite vegetables, barley, stock water, curry powder, salt and other spices you may like and mix properly.
5. Close the pressure cooker and cook for 1 whistle or till the vegetables become soft.
6. If you are using meat, cook it before adding vegetables.
6. Serve this hot and nutritious soup with any bread you like.

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