Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mint charu


Mint-1 cup
Tamarind-lemon size ball
Oil-2 tsp
Cumin seeds-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Dried Red chillies-2
Garlic-3 cloves
Curry leaves-1 spring
Turmeric-1/4 tsp
Salt-to taste
Pepper-1/2 tsp
Cumin powder-1/2 tsp
Corriander-to garnish


1. Grind mint leaves with 1 cup of water. Extract juice and keep it aside.
2. Soak tamarind and extract its juice. Keep it aside.
3. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin and mustard seeds. After they splatter, add garlic, curry leaves, hing, red chillies and turmeric. Cook for 30 sec.
4. Add chopped tomato, cover the lid and cook it until mushy.
5. Add tamarind and mint water to the pan and bring it to a boil.
6. Add pepper, cumin powde and garnish with corriander.
7. Serve it with rice!

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