Sunday, March 15, 2015

Schezwan egg fried rice


Rice-1/2 cup cooked
Red pepper-1/2
Celery-1 stick
Cabbage-1/2 cup
Spring onion-2 stalks
Schezwan sauce-3 tbsp
Oil-2 tsp
Salt-to taste
Pepper-to taste



1. Cook rice and refrigerate overnight for best texture.
2. Cut all the vegetables into small pieces. You can use any type of veggies.
3. Add oil in a pan then add white part of spring onion; saute for a minute.
4. Add all the vegetables, sprinkle salt and pepper. Let them cook until they are soft. If you want them crispy, cook for a little less time. Don't cook them with lid covered to avoid water formation.
5. Add Schezwan sauce, mix properly and let it cook for a minute.
6. Add rice and mix properly. Top off with green part of spring onion.
7. In a separate pan, scramble egg, add to the rice and enjoy this quick fried rice with some hot sauce or manchurian.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Stuffed Okra



Roasted peanut powder-3/4  cup
Fresh/Frozen Grated coconut-1/2 cup
Salt-to taste
Chilly powder-to taste
Corriander powder- 1 tbsp
Cumin powder-1 tsp
Amchur-1 tsp
Oil-1-2 tbsp



1. Wash okra and pat them dry using a paper towel.
2. Make a slit and make sure not to cut it through the okra.
3. Roast peanuts and blend them into a coarse powder.
4. Add frozen/fresh grated coconut, salt, chilly, corriander, cumin and amchur powder to peanut powder and make a nice stuffing. The water in the coconut should bind everything together. If needed, add few drops of water to bind everything together.
5. Stuff the okras with enough stuffing as you please.
6. Take a flat bottomed pan, add oil enough to cover the surface of the pan.
7. Once the oil is heated, place the okras on the pan and cover it. Let them cook on a small flame for 5 min or until brown. Turn them over and let them cook again for few min until the entire okra is cooked.
8. Serve them with rice, dal or as it is!

Variations: The stuffing can be made by just chilly powder and lots of corriander and cumin powder. You can completely skip peanut powder but the taste with peanut and coconut is different.