Thursday, February 23, 2017

Creamy steel cut oats


Steel cut oats-1 cup
Water-3 cups
Milk-1 cup
Coconut oil-1/2 tbsp


1. Combine water and milk in a pan and bring it to a boil.
2. Heat coconut oil (you can use any oil) in a wide pan and add oats. Roast on a small flame for couple of minutes till you get nice aroma. Mix frequently to avoid burning. Turn off the stove.
3. Transfer oats to the pan with boiling milk and water.
4. Cook on a small flame uncovered till you get desired consistency. Keep mixing intermittently. Remember that oats will continue to absorb moisture even after turning off the stove. Add pinch of salt, mix well and turn off the stove.
5. Serve as it is with your desired toppings. If you want to refrigerate, allow it to cool completely beforehand.
6. You can simply add more milk the next and re-heat. I usually double the recipe and stock it for entire week!!
7. Add nuts, fresh fruit, jam, peanut butter or any other topping and enjoy this delicious and super healthy oat meal.

Topping list I tried so far:

Fruits- Bananas, frozen mango, strawberries, blueberries
Nuts-Toasted pistachio, honey glazed walnuts, pecans
Dried fruit- Chopped dates, cranberries