Saturday, January 17, 2015

Veg Quesadilla


Servings: 4

Black Beans (dry)-1 cup
Green pepper-1/2 large
Red pepper-1/2 large
Onion-1 medium
Salt and Pepper-To taste
Oil-2 tsp
Cheese-1 cup


1. Soak black beans overnight. Pressure cook for 4 whistles until the beans are soft and can be mashed easily.
2. Slice onions and peppers into very small pieces and keep them aside.
3. Add oil into a pan and saute onions for a minute. Add peppers and cook until soft. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.
4. Now heat a flat pan and cook tortilla on one side. Flip the tortilla and switch off the stove.
5. Spread 1/8th cup of cheese evenly on one half of the tortilla.
6. Spread onion/pepper mixture evenly on the top of the cheese.
7. Spread another 1/8th cup of cheese on the top of onion and pepper mixture.
8. Now flip over the other half of tortilla over the cheese.
9. Turn the flame back on and cook both halves until brown and crispy.
10. Cut into three triangle pieces and then serve yummy Quesadilla with salsa, sour cream and gaucamole!!

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